/ 27.09.2000 |
Stimmen und Veröffentlichungen zum Dopingfall Andreea Raducan |
Raducan's appeal rejected |
12-Dec-2000: Gericht
schmettert Klage ab Lausanne - Das Schweizerische Bundesgericht in Lausanne hat die von Vierkampf-Olympiasiegerin Andreea Raducan Anfang November eingebrachte Zivilklage zurückgewiesen, mit der die des Dopings überführte Rumänin die Rückgabe ihrer Goldmedaille vom Internationalen Olympischen Komitee (IOC) gefordert hatte. Das Bundesgericht habe keinen Grund für die Anerkennung der Klage gesehen, teilte das IOC am Dienstag in Lausanne mit.Ziel der Klage sei es laut des Raducan-Anwalts in Lausanne, Jacques Michod, gewesen, den Internationalen Sportgerichtshof (CAS) zu verpflichten, den Fall neu zu prüfen. Das Schweizer Bundesgericht war zuständig, weil der CAS ebenso wie das IOC seinen Sitz in Lausanne hat. Raducan ist schuldlos Michod hatte dem CAS Verfahrensfehler vorgeworfen, die einen Verstoß gegen die Grundrechte des Menschen und damit gegen das öffentliche Recht darstellten. Bei Andrea Raducan war nach dem Vierkampf-Sieg von Sydney das verbotene Stimulanzmittel Pseudo-Ephedrin nachgewiesen worden. Das IOC erkannte ihr daraufhin die Goldmedaille ab. Diese Entscheidung wurde vom CAS bestätigt, wobei aber anerkannt wurde, dass Raducan persönlich keine Schuld treffe, da sie den Stoff unwissentlich über ein Erkältungsmittel eingenommen habe. Der CAS begründete seine Entscheidung mit dem Fairnessgebot anderen Sportlern gegenüber.
CAS-Urteil: Raducan erhält Goldmedaille nicht zurück ARD Sydney 2000, dpa Die rumänische Turnerin Andreea Raducan erhält die wegen eines Doping-Verstoßes entzogene olympischen Goldmedaille nicht zurück. Dies gab der Internationale Sportgerichtshof (CAS) in Sydney bekannt. Die drei CAS-Richter bestätigten, dass die 16-jährige Weltmeisterin nach dem Vierkampf-Finale positiv auf das verbotenen Stimulanzmittel Pseudo-Ephedrin getestet worden war und damit ein Doping-Fall vorliegt. «Es ist es eindeutig ein Verstoß gegen die Anti-Doping-Regeln des Internationalen Olympischen Komitees», sagte ein CAS-Sprecher. Aus Fairnessgründen gegenüber den anderen Athleten habe das Gericht zu keiner anderen Entscheidung kommen können. Aufsehen hatte der Fall erregt, weil Andrea Raducan die verbotene Substanz unwissentlich eingenommen hat. Sie hatte das Mittel gegen eine Erkältung vom rumänischen Mannschaftsarzt erhalten, der für diesen Fehler bis einschließlich 2004 für Olympische Spiele gesperrt wurde. Nach der CAS-Entscheidung bleibt Raducans Teamkollegin Simona Amanar Olympiasiegerin im Vierkampf vor der ebenfalls aus Rumänien stammenden Maria Olaru. Die Bronzemedaille erhält Xuan Liu aus China.
Der Internationale Sportgerichtshof (CAS) hatte die Aberkennung ihrer Vierkampf-Goldmedaille wegen eines Doping-Verstoßes bestätigt. Nach den rumänischen Anti-Doping-Regeln, die entscheidend von Tiriac mitbestimmt wurden, müsste die 16-jährige Weltmeisterin lebenslang gesperrt werden. Dies hält Tiriac in diesem Fall für unangemessen. «Ich werde zurücktreten. Denn ich könnte der Athletin nicht mehr ins Gesicht sehen. Es war ein Fehler, diese harte Regel zu machen», sagte Tiriac, der seit 1998 NOK-Präsident ist. Sehr enttäuscht zeigte sich Andreea
Raducan über die am Donnerstag veröffentlichten CAS-Entscheidung.
«Ich bin im tiefsten Herzen überzeugt, dass ich alles richtig
gemacht habe und eine faire Leistung geboten haben», sagte sie. Nach
dem Turn-Vierkampf war sie positiv auf das Doping-Mittel
Pseudo-Ephedrin getestet. Dies ist in Tabletten enthalten gewesen, die
ihr der rumänische Mannschaftsarzt fahrlässig vor dem Wettkampf
gegen eine Erkältungserkrankung gegeben hatte. |
Mädchen tut uns leid" Im Gegensatz zu anderen Dopingfällen, in denen die Schuld der betroffenen Sportler unbestritten scheint, sind die Stimmen im Dopingfall der 16jährigen Mehrkampf-Olympiasiegerin Andreea Raducan differenzierter. Die Schuld liege beim rumänischen Mannschaftsarzt, nicht bei der Turnerin, so der Grundtenor auch beim IOC. Heute hat der internationale Sportgerichtshof nach viereinhalbstündiger Anhörung die Entscheidung noch einmal verschoben, nachdem die Turnerin dort ihren Protest gegen die Aberkennung der Medaille eingereicht hat. Die Entscheidung soll bis spätestens 03.00 Uhr Sydney time (Mitternacht MEZ) gefällt werden. Simona Amanar, die nunmehrige Olympiasiegerin im Mehrkampf, ist nicht glücklich mit ihrer neuen Medaille... weitere Veröffentlichungen / more digest 26-09-2000 weitere Veröffentlichungen / more digest 25-09-2000 Raducan must wait for arbitration decision
SportsLine.com wire reports SYDNEY, Australia -- Romanian all-around gymnastics champion Andreea Raducan must wait another day to learn whether she will regain the gold medal stripped from her because she took cold medicine containing a banned substance. After a 4½-hour hearing Wednesday at the Court of Arbitration for Sport, Romanian Olympic Committee president Ion Tiriac emerged and asked for patience. "It's a very important and serious matter," Tiriac said. "I ask that you have the patience to wait as we do."The Romanians argue that the penalty was too harsh because Raducan had simply taken the medicine to cure a cold. The substance, pseudoephedrine, is listed as a stimulant by the International Olympic Committee. The court promised a decision by no later than 3 p.m. Thursday (midnight ET Wednesday). "I cannot make any comments, they haven't made a decision yet," said Francois Carrard, the IOC's director general, who defended the IOC decision at the arbitration hearing. "I will refrain from making any further comments. This is a matter which is in front of the court. " There was a busy atmosphere outside the downtown court's headquarters, as more than 60 reporters waited out the hearing. A few fans stood across the street at the beginning. Dressed in street clothes and carrying her Romanian warmup jacket, Raducan exited the courtroom first. She was followed by Tiriac and Romanian gymnasts Simona Amanar and Maria Olaru, who won silver and bronze in the all-around to complete the first sweep of that event since 1960. The pint-sized gymnast, often compared to Romanian gymnast Nadia Comaneci, declined comment as she climbed into the car, which then drove away. "Thank you," was all she said when asked for her thoughts. Tiriac said all the evidence had been presented and "the panel has to work." The panel is composed of Tricia Kavanagh of Australia, Stephan Netzle of Switzerland and Maidie Oliveau of the United States. The court is also determining the future of the Romanian team doctor, who has been expelled from the Sydney Games and suspended through the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake and 2004 Summer Games in Athens. The Romanians have termed this as a simple doctor's mistake, nothing malicious, and have threatened to return all the medals if they don't win their arbitration case, Romanian national TV reported. The IOC has continued with its hard-line stance against drugs. "Doping is the presence of a prohibited substance in the body. There is no room for individual sympathy," Carrard said Tuesday, before the appeals hearing. Added Jacques Rogge, the vice chairman of the IOC's medical commission, "It's a painful decision. This is one of the worst experiences I have had in my Olympic life. Having to strip the gold medal from the individual for something she didn't intentionally do was very tough." Raducan was allowed to keep her gold from the team competition and silver in the vault final. But losing the all-around gold was devastating for the wispy teen, whose dark coloring and pixyish charm evoked memories of Comaneci, Romania's last Olympic darling. Even the IOC acknowledged that Raducan's case is not like most others. She took a common cold medicine, and it provided "no competitive advantage at that competition," Carrard said. But she still had a banned substance in her body, said Dick Pound, IOC vice president and head of the World Anti-Doping Agency. "You just can't leave the field of competition with a gold medal if you've tested positive," Pound said. "Whatever the cause, you've potentially affected the competition." AP NEWS Romania returns remaining medals in protest of IOC's decision
SportsLine.com wire reports Will drugs be the story of the Sydney Games?BUCHAREST, Romania -- Romania has returned its remaining two medals in the Olympic women's all-around gymnastics competition in protest of the IOC's decision to strip Andreea Raducan of her gold medal for taking cold medication containing a banned substance, national television reported Tuesday. "The gold, silver and bronze medals have been returned although initially (coach) Octavian Belu favored keeping the gold and silver medals which the Romanians would have won anyway," Romanian national television reported from Sydney. Belu, who has avoided appearing in public since the news broke, was reported to have said that 16-year-old Raducan had decided to give up her career as a gymnast, television said. Belu did not answer his mobile telephone. "She is very upset. She is capable of doing anything," Belu reportedly said. Reporters said she had been weeping all day. The 4-foot-10, 82-pound Raducan was stripped of her gold from the women's all-around Tuesday after she tested positive for pseudoephedrine, a banned stimulant. She is the first gymnast in Olympic history to be stripped of a medal because of a drug violation. Officials said she had a fever and a cold, so the Romanian team doctor gave her Nurofen, an over-the-counter medication for colds and flu. She appealed to the Court of Arbitration for Sport late Tuesday, challenging the decision the International Olympic Committee's executive board made earlier in the day. A hearing was scheduled for Wednesday. The Romanian team doctor who gave Raducan the drug was expelled from the 2000 Games and suspended through the 2002 Winter Games in Salt Lake and 2004 Summer Games in Athens. "We feel we have no choice," said Francois Carrard, the International Olympic Committee's director general. "It's tough, but that's what it's all about. In the fight against doping, we have to be tough and be blind to emotions and feelings." Raducan was allowed to keep her gold from the team competition and silver in the vault final. But losing the all-around gold was crushing for the wispy teen, whose dark coloring and pixieish charm evoked memories of Nadia Comaneci, Romania's last Olympic darling. "I'm going to fight all the way for that little girl," said Ion Tiriac, president of Romania's National Olympic Committee. "I don't think even today she even understands what happened to her. She doesn't get it. She said, 'I didn't do anything wrong.'" Even the IOC acknowledged Raducan's case is not like most others. She took a common cold medicine, and it provided "no competitive advantage at that competition," Carrard said. The International Gymnastics Federation unanimously decided not to punish Raducan further, saying in a statement that taking her medal "was punishment enough for an athlete who was innocent in this situation." The IOC action prompted outrage among many Romanians. Some 400 students, some chanting "Give the medal back," marched through the southern Romanian city of Craiova on Tuesday demanding that Raducan's gold be returned to her. "Thrown out for having a cold," read one poster. "Nurofen you give pain to all Romanians," referring to the medication that cost Raducan the gold. Raducan's gold ended up with teammate Simona Amanar, whose silver went to yet another Romanian, Maria Olaru. Liu Xuan of China, who now wins the bronze medal in the all-around, couldn't make sense of what occurred. "I thought this was impossible because in gymnastics, we rely on technique to complete our moves," Li said. "It's not possible to rely on drugs or strength to complete them. You have to rely entirely on skill. So I just didn't think it was possible." Romania has waited 24 years for a gymnast who could captivate the world like Comaneci, who scored the first perfect 10 at the Montreal Olympics in 1976. The Romanians have won dozens of Olympic medals since then, but could never capture the all-around, the biggest prize on sport's grandest stage. Until Raducan. Performing to Riverdance on Thursday, Raducan pranced across the floor, a wide, infectious smile on her face. She looked almost like Peter Pan as she tumbled, flying across the floor with ease. When she finished, she ran to coach Octavian Belu and climbed onto his shoulders, waving and blowing kisses to the crowd. It wasn't just her presence on the floor that charmed fans. Raducan, who turns 17 on Saturday, has a wonderful, childlike naivete. When she came into the news conference after winning the all-around, she perched at the edge of Olaru's chair instead of taking the seat reserved for her at the middle of the table. Told the place of honor was hers, the gold medalist said she thought it was for her coach. "It's like having a dream, a nice dream," Raducan said then. "I still feel like I'm in this dream." That feeling didn't last long. All medalists are tested for drugs, and Raducan's sample after the all-around came back positive. The level of drug in her urine was 90 nanograms per milliliter, more than three times greater than the 24 nanograms per milliliter allowed by the IOC. She also was tested after winning a silver in the vault Sunday. That sample was negative. She was not tested after the team competition Sept. 19. "We're all devastated, but I can't imagine how she feels," said Comaneci, who now coaches gymnastics in Norman, Okla. "Because she's kind of a victim of a thing she didn't have any control of. ... She's a victim of a mistake of the doctor." Whether the doctor, Ioachim Oana, knew he'd prescribed something that included a banned substance isn't certain. The Romanians aren't talking. But when Oana filled out the form detailing medications Raducan was taking, he included the cold medicine. "She wasn't taking this to try to enhance her performance," said Paul Ziert, who was Conner's coach and now the publisher of International Gymnast magazine. "She was trying to make herself healthy so she could perform at a normal level, which she did." The gymnastics federation imposed additional sanctions on Oana, barring him from participating in the European championships and any FIG-sponsored international events for the next four years. The Romanians were notified of Raducan's positive test Monday. She was allowed to compete in the event finals that day, but didn't have her usual spark. On the floor exercise, where she's the reigning world champion, she stumbled out of a tumbling pass, almost falling on a move she usually lands with precision. She finished seventh out of eight competitors. Afterward, a teary-eyed Raducan appeared before the IOC's medical commission. "We consider it was an accident," said Prince Alexandre de Merode, the IOC drug chief. "She is not directly responsible. The fault falls with the medical doctor. But we have rules and we have to apply the rules." Raducan is the fourth athlete to be stripped of a medal because of drugs. Three Bulgarian weightlifters lost their medals, including Izabela Dragneva, the gold medalist in the women's 105-pound event. In addition, two other non-medalists, a hammer thrower from Belarus and a rower from Latvia, were expelled after positive drug tests. This isn't the first drug controversy for the Romanian team in Sydney. Two weightlifters were expelled for failing pre-game, out-of-competition tests. The entire weightlifting team faced being kicked out, but paid a $50,000 fine to allow the "clean" weightlifters to stay. |
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