Code de Pointage 2001

and "GYMmedia international" would like to present the essential and most significant reforms of the reglement of competition  prior to the first World Championships of this millenium  as well as changes in the so called "Code de Pointage" and their influence on the attainment of the highest mastery at  this first main tournament during this Olympic cycle.
Besides indications to the actual content of routines we would like to point out  technical specialities and methodical  solutions in form of offer for methodical auxiliary apparatus.


  (II)  Code de Pointage 2001  -  WOMEN

Fortunately, the men's and the women's technical committee of FIG, could bring some basics of judgement closer together or even managed to agree on the same points (e.g. vault: landing and division of zones), although it did not happen in every part.

Like in the men's category a start value (SV) will be formed.


= 8.8 points
+ 1.2 point (Bonification/additional points for difficulties)


10.0 points

The devision of bonifications and the introducing of super-E-elements is new in the women's C.d.P.. The repetition of elements of value has been clearly restricted and there are only bonifications for combinations of C + D or D + C and still higher difficulties (D + D,  ...).


Here, too, there is an approach to the men's judging. In competition I (team and final qualification) only one vault can be performed. In the final itself the existing usage will be continued (average of two vaults).
Generelly vaults have lost value. The result is that only five vaults with a start value of 10.00 are left in the current Olympic cycle.
Coaches and experts have a lack of understanding for the different landing zone. With the same vaulting table it should be possible to find the same opinion of the judgement of landings, too.
Whereas the upholstery around the edges of the spring board is obligatory for men as well as for women.


There is a requirement of a "real flying element". In this context "real" means the releasing and re-grabbing of the same bar.
The "punishment" of half swings between elements of value is important and restrictive. These swings are elements without any value (deduction of -0.1 points). Two grip changes will be required - from the lower to the higher bar and the other way around.


As well as on floor the artistic note shall gain more significance on beam, despite the hightening of acrobatic requirements! For in the C.d.P. it says a free somersault forwards, backwards or sidewards has to be part of the acrobatic series.
From now on a static element is required (" seconds). That can be either a handstand, a "Stuetzwaage" or a difficult balance.
Gymnastic leaps into support - similar to "belly landings" on floor - are allowed to be performed once only. This is certainly not only an indication to the aesthetic of this sport and the speciality of this apparatus, but also to the upkeep of capacity.


Acrobatic elements or combinations still dominate. From now on the "artistic value" shall (re-)gain more significance. The inadequate consideration of this aspect of a routine can be punished with a deduction of up to 0.3 points.
The misused finishing of acrobatic or gymnastic elements into a belly landing is allowed to be performed once only. 


There is no limitation to the variety of colours of the gymnastic dress. It is rather considered of getting even more liberal, although the dress should stay "correct sporty".

Dieter Hofmann, Liestal/Schweiz
(Translation: Florian Schmid-Sorg)