Heinz Neumann
the author
Potsdam native Heinz Neumann (born November 20, 1931)
was a coach at the former Army Sports Club "ASK Potsdam"
in Potsdam,. Germany, from 1954 to 1992. He also served
as head coach for the GDR team at the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.
Later on, he, who has always loved paying special attention
to details, focussed on the specialities of the most complex
of apparatus, pommel horse.
He was the first A judge in history (i.e. second head judge,
responsible for difficulty and special requirements) and was
a judge at every major international competition from 1965 to
1971. He judged his first competition in 1958 and continued
judging internationally until the mid 1990s, and is an active
judge until this day.
Neumann is considered
one of the most knowledgeable pommel horse experts world wide,
who has a particular reputation of having a knack for details.