COMPETITION I: Team qualification MEN  / Männer

German Dutch



Ukraine - a definite for team finals...

Beresch on Pegases

Four teams on the podium in this rotation. 
Ukraine is without doubt the strongest team despite having to do without Alexander Svetlichni and Valeri Pereshkura, both injured.
 Additionally, Alexander Beresh, third AA at the Sydney Olympics, can only compete on four pieces of apparatus because of shoulder problems. 
Roman Zozulia has had good results this year. Coach Igor Korobchinski has integrated four young gymnasts into the team: Andrei Mikhailichenko, Ruslan Mezentsev, Andrei Lipski and Sergei Vyaltsev. 
The Italians are considered rings specialists. 
The Finns have two strong gymnasts on high bar in Jani Tanskanen and Jari Monkkonen. Slovakia is considered a weaker nation.

Rotation 1:
Ruslan Mezentsev (UKR) opened on vault with a 9,4. Mikhailichenko scores a 9,412. Beresh receives the exact same score for his handspring-double with a step forwards. Zozulya seems to be the fittest of the Ukrainian gymnasts and nails the same vault for a 9,5.
Olli Torkkel earns 9, 25 for a good routine on rings. The Slovaks take such nasty tumbles off high bar that the audience fears for their health. Enrico Pozzo is noticeable for the Italians on floor and can harbour dreams of the final. Matteo Angioletti (ITA) suffers a total disaster in his difficult routine.
Ukraine takes the lead after their showing on vault ahead of Latvia.

Rotation 2
Roman Zozulya (UKR) starts on bars with an extremely difficult routine inclduing two double salti for 9,262. Vyaltsev has many breaks. But his mistakes were corrected with strong routines from Mikhailichenko (9,175) and Andrei Lipski (9,075) The entire arena is waiting for Ruslan Mzentsev but he doesn't show. Is he injured? There can hardly be another reason that the Ukrainians don't try to drop Vyaltsev's low score. They drop to second place. The other nations are tame and unspectacular. In Finnland they obviously just train Kasamatsus. Italy manages two scores in the low 9s on pommel horse. The Slovaks only break 9 once on floor.

Rotation 3
While the audience is concentrating on the Ukrainians on high bar, the Italians are doing well on rings. They seem to have three potential successors to Yuri Chechi. Matteo Angelotti with a 9,45, Matteo Morandi 9.487 and Andrea Coppolino with a score of 9,587. All of a sudden the Italians are in fifth place!  Ukraine has a few blunders on high bar. Zozulya gets stuck on an ellgrip Endo after two excellent Kovacs and jumps off. At least Lipski and reigning European champion Alexander Beresh do well. Beresh's full-twisting Kovacs is loudly applauded.

Rotation 4
Zozulya loses it completely. A medal favourite for the AA, he doesn't finish his second tumbling run, stopping after a 1 1/2 twisting. His disappointing 8,487 are dropped. His team mates nonetheless are solid, highlighted by Lipski's 1 1/2 twisting salto with a full twist. Beresh is the highest scorer 9,475 for a double front in the first tumbling run and a double double dismount. Enough for Ukraine to surpass Russia and place second.
Meanwhile, the Italians have pulled themselves up to fourth place. Matteo Morandi scores a 9,387 for a handspring-double front. Finnland has a massive improvement on high bar with their two specialists Jani Tanskanen and Jari Monkkonen scoring 9,587 and 9,462 respectively. Finnland is sixth, closely behind Latvia.

Rotation 5
The Scandinavians cannot keep this place on floor with their relatively easy routines. The same applies to the Italians on bars where they show nice, but simple routines. Ukraine hangs on to second thanks to a fantastic display on pommel horse by Alexander Beresh. The ever calm sports student must have nerves of steel to come up with such a brilliant routine after Zoyulya had yet again failed.

Rotation 6
The Ukrainians' problems on rings were to be expected. MIkhailichenko and Mezentsev demonstrated this with routines that scored in the low 8s. Zozulya has finally found his rhythm and at least stays of clear of big breaks (9,262).Vyaltsev earns the highest score for his team:  9,4. Korobchinski only put up four gymnasts on rings. The Italians finish well on high bar. Alberto Busnari scores 9,362 for his original routine. Igor Cassina earns the highest mark with a spectacular routine: Two full-twisting Kovacs (one layout and one piked), two one-armed giants, Gienger and a nailed double double.

Ukraine places between Russia and Korea with some difficulty. Zozulya was a big disappointment. Italy and Finnland have too few all-arounders on the team to contend for top places. They can, however, contend for individual medals with their specialists.

Team Standings after 4 groups:    
1. KOR 220,857 2. RUS 217,384 3. LAT 215,030 4. GBR 208,085 5. CZE 201,096 6. ARG 199,922