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23rd   World Championships 1999 Rhythmic Gymnastics
OSAKA / Japan


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WM-Plakat:   Erinnerungen an Jekaterina Serebrianskaja
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On the poster:
Remember on
Ekaterina Serbrianskaya

Edita Schaufler

animpuce.gif (5378 Byte)
Edita Schaufler

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Alina Kabajewa (RUS) -
Wunder an Beweglichkeit
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The cautchouc girl
Alina Kabaeva (RUS)

kabaeva2_band_wm99.jpg (19663 Byte)

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animpuce.gif (5378 Byte) The Osaka Municipal Gymnasium - a half underground indoor stadium

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animpuce.gif (5378 Byte) Das deutsche Team - ganz auf japanisch
German team - Japanese style

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animpuce.gif (5378 Byte)    ... you like more impressions...??
        Come back, tomorrow...!

animpuce.gif (5378 Byte) Elena Vitrichenko -
Titelverteidigerin von Berlin 1997.....
Title holder from Berlin '97
... and now...? 

animpuce.gif (5378 Byte)    IMPRESSIONEN / PICTURES 01/10/99

animpuce.gif (5378 Byte)    IMPRESSIONEN / PICTURES 02/10/99

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GYMmedia-info-service / 30/09/99                  
- Fotos: H.-J. Zacharias / designed by E.Herholz -