
>> RESULTS, all


Nat pts.


1 Urzica, Marius ROM 9,812
2 Suciu, Ioan ROM 9,662
3 Busnari, Alberto ITA 9,637
4 Cano, Victor ESP 9,562
5 Savenkov, Denis BLR 9,375
6 Krukov, Nikolai RUS 9,087
7 Maras, Vlasios GRE 8,875
8 Alexandersson, Runar ISL 8,175
(E1) Beresh, Alexander UKR
(E2) Fekete, Levente HUN

>> Urzica (10.0SV ):  high speed, fantastic safety and without any mistakes, perfect technique as always; he could only beat himself by making own mistakes. But he didn’t do this favour to his competitors today! 

>> Suciu (10,0 SV): He was the one who beat Urzica once in Stuttgart and wins a deserved silver medal today.
>> Busnari (10.0 SV): - 2 ˝ Russian wendeswing at the end of the horse (!!); after leaning a bit too much forward with his shoulder he  has to go slightly into a piked position on his handstand with1/1 turn dismount; this might have cost him the silver medal.
>> Cano: ..presents a clean and technically well set routine but has only a SV of 9,9.
>> Savenkov: ... messed up his dismount and looses through this all chances on a better placement.

>> Krukov
: Has already two small “stops“ in his very long routine (about 60 flanks!!) and then falls of the horse on the Moguilny...!

Info: Jens Milbradt and Eckhard Herholz  (GER)
Translation: Lisa Worthmann (GER)