update: 14-Dec-02


Friendly Meet Germany / France / Great Britain / Switzerland
U 16 Teams


(- by Holger Behrendt, Olympic Champion 1988, coach in Cottbus)

Swiss boys in the lead from the beginning on
                                Young German team with a great finish.
                                      -          by Olympic Champion Holger Behrendt
 >> German version

In an almost sold-out venue in Potsdam under-16- year old from Germany, France, Switzerland and Great Britain took part in this already traditional competition. All gymnasts were from the years 1986/87/88. The German team was the youngest one. A few days before the competition Philipp Boy from Cottbus injured himself.
So he had to be replaced by Michael Stumpf from Cottbus.

<< Holger Behrendt, Olympic Champion on still rings, Seoul 1988

For most of the participants it was their first competition for their national team and hopefully the beginning of a successful international career. The local gymnastics federation managed to present a well-organised event to both participants and spectators.

Concerning the run of the competition

It was a quit dominating victory of the gymnasts from Switzerland who had become Vice- Junior European Team Champions this spring in Patras – in front of the German team. After a good start of the British team on floor, the Swiss team on vault and the French team on rings the German team couldn’t convince on their first apparatus. The had to compete without their stars Waldemar Eichhorn and Fabian Hambüchen and had a few instabilites in their routines on pommel horse. This brought them on a position 4.5 points behind the leading team after the first apparatus! However, with a solid performance on rings the German team managed to get back into the competition. Low start values on vault were one of the reasons of the quite high difference in points to the winner in the end according to the coach of the German junior national team Jens Milbradt.

(1) Dennis Mannhardt (SUI); (2) Roland Häuptli;
(3) Yann Rayepin (FRA)

During the rest of the competition all teams made many small mistakes and had instabilites in various routines. The French team all in all presented a high technical level. Unfortunately they didn’t manage to present it solidly.

 However, with this basis a quick progress of this team can be expected according to Germany’s national coach Andreas Hirsch.

Especially on high bar and floor the German boys could make points good towards the French team. Due to this they managed to secure themselves the 2nd rank in the end behind the sovereign Swiss team.   

An important conclusion of this competiton for the German team is that the start values have to be improved. The good and solid team performance of the Swiss gymnasts secured them the victory. Their performances also were on a high technical level!                                                                                         
Holger Behrendt

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