16. März 2025
Schmiden, GER
Rhythmic Gymnastics

For most of the participants in the traditional ‘Schmiden INTERNATIONAL 2025’ competition, it was the start of a new competition season. The international guests from 17 countries met Olympic champion Darja VARFOLOMEEV and fourth-placed Olympian Margarita KOLOSOV from the German host country, among others, with some surprising results: So  the former Junior World Champion (2019) from Russia Anastasia SIMAKOVA beats Olympic Champion Darja Varfolomeev in her new homeland, coached be Yulia Ruskina in Schmiden (GER)  ...

11. Dezember 2024
Rhythmic Gymnastics

After one Olympic, four world and 16 European medals, Bulgaria's gymnastics star Boryana KALEYN is retiring from international sport. ‘It's time to turn an important page in my life: that of an active athlete,’ she wrote on Instagram. ‘I'm grateful for everything I've been through.’
An expressive talent with a penchant for spins, the now 24-year-old has been at the centre of a string of exceptional Bulgarian gymnasts who have ushered in a new golden era for the...

1. Dezember 2024
Stuttgart, GER
Rhythmic Gymnastics

The GYMmedia JOB EXCHANGE (Job Boerse) as most efficient form of Job search in the field of Gymnastics disciplines, has an European and worldwide impact, because you can access the global entire GYM-Community - with current offers also in the Olympic year 2024:
2024, December 01 --:Currently * The Swabian Gymnastics Federation (STB) in Germany - the home...

27. August 2024
Hamburg, GER
Rhythmic Gymnastics

Europe's biggest sports magazine honoured outstanding athletes with the ‘SPORT-BILD Award’ for the 22nd time in Hamburg. / Germany.
Among those honoured in nine different categories, 17-year-old rhythmic gymnastics shooting star Darja VARFOLOMEEV received the honorary title of ‘STAR OF THE YEAR’.
As the first German Olympic champion in her discipline, she shone in Paris despite the enormous pressure as the favourite and five-time world champion from the previous year and was the first medal...

10. August 2024
Paris, FRA
Rhythmic Gymnastics

Germany's first Olympic Rhythmic Gold!

In the all-around final of rhythmic gymnastics today, 17-year-old gymnast Darja VARFOLOMEEV - protégée of a 2000 Olympic champion, Yulia Raskina - won the first Olympic gold medal in rhythmic gymnastics for Germany with four almost flawless routines - after the only previous medal, Regina Weber's bronze (Los Angeles 1984). The exceptional athlete from Schmiden thus saved the honour of Germany's second-largest sports federation, which had previously

