18. Oktober 2008  
Helsinki, Finland  
Artistic Gymnastics

77th Congress of F.I.G. - Election Results:Professor Bruno GRANDI re-elected ...

* fig ---: The General Assembly of the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG) has re-elected its President, Prof. Bruno Grandi (ITA) for the next Olympic Cycle 2009 - 2012.
This is his fourth term, since he was first elected in Atlanta (USA) in 1996. He was elected with a sound majority by the 90 delegates representing the member federations. In his speech, President Grandi thanked the Congress and reflected on past achievements and the work that lay ahead for him and his Executive Committee.
  FORGACS, Robert (HUN)  - UEG
  NOVAK, Jan (SVK)   - UEG
  GAYIBOV, Farid (AZE)  - UEG    (new)
  PARTANEN, Kirsti (FIN)  - UEG    (new)
  MICHOPOULOU, Eleni (GRE)   - UEG     (new)
  JOERNSDOITTIR, Birna (ISL)   - UEG    (new)
  LAKICEVIC STOIAICIC, Snezana (SRB)  - UEG     (new)
  BENGTSSON, Stefan  (SWE)   - UEG     (new)
   ... not elected: Vytautas Grinius (LTU)
  GHARBI, Mohamed Rached (TUN)   - UAG
  ZEKRI, Mustapha (MAR)   - UAG
... emitted: GELDENHUYS, Valereis (NAM)
      ... not elected: SALAMA YOUSSEF, Hala (EGY)   - UAG

  PENICHE, Alejandro (MEX)   - PAGU    (new)
  SEQUERA, Sonia (VEN)   - PAGU    (new)
  DE LOZADA, Isabel V. (PUR)   - PAGU     (new)
   ... emitted: BANCALARI, DIAZ, Luis (ARG)   - PAGU
  KIM Dong Min (KOR)    - AGU     (new)
  AL-HITMI Ali Ahmad (QAT)    - AGU      (new)
  ATTABAA Mouhamed Youssef (SYR)   - AGU     (new)
  ABOUEDEL D. Saif (KUW)    - AGU      (new)
  SOPA Sawat (THA)    - AGU     (new)
   ... emitted: MITAL Sudhir (IND)   - AGU 
   ... not elected: MAKKI A. Mohamad (LIB)   - AGU
TATAI George AUS OCE       (new)