Over 1.700 spectators visited this year’s international
Leverkusen-Cup 2006 to see the 10 teams out of 9 nations competing in Leverkusen.
One week before World Champs 2006 in Aarhus some teams took their last chance to compare in a last international test.
It was a fantastic atmosphere like it is used to be since the Leverkusen-Cup was born 30 years ago in 1976.
“I am happy about this good competition again, the high level and the crowd of people who came and watched the competition” said
Dieter Schulz, who organized this competition for the 31st time for his club
Turn-Club 72 Leverkusen.
“Now we are starting to make plans for the next year´s Leverkusen-Cup in 2007 and we already have many new ideas…” (