Januar | Ort | Nation | Event | Partic/Info |
19.01.2018 | Houston | USA | III. International Junior Team Cup 2018 | AGm, juniors, teams |
Februar | Ort | Nation | Event | Partic/Info |
15.02.2018 | Moscow | RUS | Youth Olympic Games - Qualification 2018 | RG, youth, jun |
15.02.2018 | Tartu | EST | Miss Valentine 2018 | RG, |
15.02.2018 | Puurs | BEL | ACRO WORLD CUP "Flanders International" 2018 | AC, intern. |
16.02.2018 | Moscow | RUS | European YOG Qualification 2018 | RG, juniors, AA |
17.02.2018 | Moscow | RUS | GRAND PRIX (1) - Moscow 2018 | RG, elite |
22.02.2018 | Melbourne | AUS | (1)-Challenge Cup - Mebourne 2018 | AGw, AGm, elite, individual |
23.02.2018 | Fukuoka | JPN | SANIX Open RG Team Tournament 2018 | RG, |
23.02.2018 | Kalamata | GRE | 26th Kalamata Cup 2018 & 5th "Elegant" Cup 2018 | RG |
23.02.2018 | Eisenberg | GER | 20. Intern. Aerobic Pokal Stadt Eisenberg (Thür.) 2018 | AE |
März | Ort | Nation | Event | Partic/Info |
03.03.2018 | Chicago | USA | (1) - FIG WORLD CUP: American Cup 2018 | AGw, AGm, elite, individual AA |
03.03.2018 | Ingelheim | GER | Aerobic Invitational Ingelheim 2018 | AE |
03.03.2018 | Riga | LAT | 19th "Baltic Hoop 2018" & "Intern. Riga Spring 2018" | RG, jun + youth |
03.03.2018 | Nottuln | GER | GER: Deutsche Meisterschaften 2018 DOPPEL-MINITRAMP | DMT, elite, national |
03.03.2018 | div. | GER | DTL-M: 1. German Bundesliga, MEN (1) | AGm, clubs, national |
03.03.2018 | Stuttgart | GER | DTL-F: 1. German Bundesliga, WOMEN (1) and complete Season 2018 | AGw, clubs, national |
08.03.2018 | Liverpool | GBR | 2018 Artistic Gymnastics Britisch Championships | AGw, AGm, national elite & juniors |
09.03.2018 | Zlin | CZE | Czech Aerobic Open 2018 | AE, FIG Event |
09.03.2018 | Prienai | LTU | Lithuanian Aerobic Open 2018 | AE |
09.03.2018 | Montreal | CAN | Intern. Gymnix Competitions 2018 | AGw, elite, juniors |
09.03.2018 | Liverpool | GBR | GBR: British Gymnastics, National Championships 2018 | AGw, AGm, elite, individual, App |
10.03.2018 | div. | GER | DTL-M: 1. German Bundesliga, MEN (2) | AGm, clubs, national |
10.03.2018 | Leverkusen | GER | GER: 1. Rhönrad-WM-Qualifikation 2018 | RH, Bundeskader |
10.03.2018 | Atlanta | USA | Star Cup International 2018 | RG |
15.03.2018 | Baku | AZE | (2)-Challenge Cup: Baku 2018 | AGw, AGm, elite, individual, App |
15.03.2018 | Kiev | UKR | GRAND PRIX (2) - "Derjugina Cup 2018" | RG |
16.03.2018 | Vancouver | CAN | Planet Rhythmic Invitational 2018 | RG |
16.03.2018 | Essen | GER | 11th Pre-Olympic Youth Cup 2018 | AGw, youth, jun, intern. |
16.03.2018 | Stuttgart | GER | Team Challenge 2018 | AGm, AGw, Teams, invitation |
17.03.2018 | Stuttgart | GER | (2) - FIG-WORLD CUP All-around: "DTB-Pokal" 2018 | AGw, AGm, elite, individual AA |
17.03.2018 | Aix Les Bains | FRA | Aquae Open International 2018 | AE |
21.03.2018 | Birmingham | GBR | (3)-FIG WORLD CUP 2018, All-around | AGw, AGm, elite, individual AA |
21.03.2018 | Doha | QAT | (3)-Challenge Cup: Doha 2018 | AGw, AGm, elite, individual, App |
22.03.2018 | Calgary | CAN | University of Calgary Intern. Cup 2018 (UCIC) | AGw, AGm, elite & juniors |
22.03.2018 | Baku | AZE | 1st GymStar International Cup 2018 | RG |
23.03.2018 | Cantanhede | POR | FIG WORLD CUP "8th Cantanhede 2018" & Cantanhede Open | AE, elite |
24.03.2018 | Waging a. See | GER | DTL-F: 1. German Bundesliga, WOMEN (2) & complete Season 2018 | AGw, clubs, national |
24.03.2018 | Eupen | BEL | 4th Belgian OPEN 2018 | RH, youth, juniors, elite |
24.03.2018 | Eupen | BEL | 4th Intern. Belgian Open 2018 | RH, youth, juniors, elite |
24.03.2018 | Thiais | FRA | GRAND PRIX (3) - 32nd Intern. Grand Prix Thiais 2018 | RG |
29.03.2018 | Kiev | UKR | Intern. Ukrainian Cup 2018 | AGw, AGm, elite & juniors |
30.03.2018 | Sofia | BUL | (1) F.I.G.- WORLD CUP 2018 | RG, elite |
April | Ort | Nation | Event | Partic/Info |
04.04.2018 | aNTWERP | bel | ACRO "World Age Group Competitions" 2018 | AC, youth & juniors |
04.04.2018 | Gold Cost City | AUS | 21st Commonwealth Games 2018 | AGw, AGm, elite & juniors |
05.04.2018 | Hiroshima | JPN | 1st FIG WORLD CUP 'PARKOUR' 2018 | Parkour, intern. |
12.04.2018 | Baku | AZE | 26. Trampoline European Championships 2018 | TRA, DMT, TUM, elite |
13.04.2018 | Pesaro | ITA | (2) F.I.G. - RG WORLD CUP 2018 | RG, elite |
13.04.2018 | Antwerp | BEL | 26th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS of ACROBATIC GYMNASTICS 2018 | ACm, ACw, elite |
13.04.2018 | Nové Zámky | SVK | 19th Slovakian Aerobic Open 2018 | AE |
14.04.2018 | Monheim | GER | DTL-F: 1. German Bundesliga, WOMEN (3) & complete Season 2018 | AGw, clubs, national |
14.04.2018 | Weye | GER | GER: 2. Rhönrad-WM-Qualifikation 2018 | RH, Bundeskader |
20.04.2018 | Tashkent | UZB | (3) F.I.G. - RG WORLD CUP 2018 | RG, elite |
21.04.2018 | Tokyo | JPN | FIG WORLD CUP Tokyo 2018 | AE, elite |
27.04.2018 | Baku | AZE | (4) F.I.G. - RG WORLD CUP 2018, Baku | RG, elite |
27.04.2018 | Bratislava | SVK | 30th DANUBE CUP 2018 | RG |
27.04.2018 | Brescia | ITA | (1) WORLD CUP Trampoline Gymnastics 2018 | TRA, elite |
28.04.2018 | Unterhaching | GER | Deutsche Turn-Jugendmeisterschaften 2018 der Mädchen | AGw, youth, jun., national |
Mai | Ort | Nation | Event | Partic/Info |
02.03.2018 | Maia | POR | F.I.G. - ACRO WORLD CUP 2018 | AC, intern. |
04.05.2018 | Guadalajara | ESP | FIG-World Challenge Cup (1) - 2018 | RG |
05.05.2018 | n. n. | GER | GER--: Deutsche Senioren-Meisterschaften 2018 | AGm, AGw, seniors, national |
05.05.2018 | London | GBR | Intern. Spring Cup London 2018 | RG |
07.05.2018 | Magglingen | SUI | 13th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2018 | Wheel Gymnastics, elite & jun. |
09.05.2018 | Montpellier | FRA | 2nd F.I.G. WORLD CUP Event 'PARKOUR' 2018 | Parkour, intern. |
11.05.2018 | Portimão | POR | FIG World Challenge Cup (2) - 27th Portimao Intern. Tournament 2018 | RG, elite, jun, ind+groups |
12.05.2018 | Bracknell Berkshire | GBR | 13th Heathrow International Club Competition 2018 | AG |
12.05.2018 | Berkheim | GER | 13th Intern. Spieth Cup 2018 | AGw, jun & youth |
16.05.2018 | Holon | ISR | GRAND PRIX (4) - Grand Prix Holon 2018 | RG, elite |
24.05.2018 | Osijek | QATCRO | (4)-Challenge Cup: Osijek, Croatia | AGw, AGm, elite, individual, App |
25.05.2018 | Berlin | GER | FIG-World Challenge Cup - 2018 - "BERLIN Masters" - cancelled!! | RG, elite |
25.05.2018 | Guimaraes | POR | 8th FIG World Age Group Competitions Aerobic Gymnastics 2018 | AE, youth & juniors |
26.05.2018 | Weinberg | GER | 46. FINALE Deutsche Trampolin-Bundesliga 2018 | TRA, national |
31.05.2018 | Koper | SLO | (5) FIG-Challenge Cup Koper / SLO | AGw, AGm, elite, individual, App |
Juni | Ort | Nation | Event | Partic/Info |
01.06.2018 | Guadalajara | ESP | 34th EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2018" | RG, elite, ind+groups |
01.06.2018 | Guimarees | POR | 15th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS AEROBIC GYMNASTICS 2018 | AE, elite |
08.06.2018 | Delitzsch | GER | Deutschland-Cup Gerätturnen 2018, weibl. & männl. | AGw, AGm, national |
14.06.2018 | Guimaraes | POR | (6)-Challenge Cup: Guimaraes / POR | AGw, AGm, elite, individual, App |
23.06.2018 | Chemnitz | GER | * GER--: 1. EM-/JEM-Qualifikation 2018 & Turn-Talentschulpokal + Kader-Turncup 2018 | AGw, talents, national |
Juli | Ort | Nation | Event | Partic/Info |
01.07.2018 | Riccione | ITA | EGF: 14th Festival del Sole 2018 | Gymnastics for All |
05.07.2018 | Arosa | SUI | 50. International NISSEN Cup 2018 | TRA, intern. |
06.07.2018 | Halle/Sa. | GER | *GER--: Deutsche Jugendmeisterschaften, männlich, 2018 | AGm, youth & juniors, national |
06.07.2018 | Mersin | TUR | (7) FIG-Challenge Cup Mersin / TUR | AGw, AGm, elite, individual, App |
06.07.2018 | Arosa | SUI | (2) WORLD CUP Trampoline Gymnastics 2018 | TRA, elite |
12.07.2018 | Lima | PER | South American AEROBIC Championships 2018 | AE, intern. |
13.07.2018 | Lima | PER | Aerobic Copa Peru 2018 | Ae |
15.07.2018 | Liege | BEL | 1st European Gym for Life Challenge 2018 | Gymnastics for All |
20.07.2018 | Aalen | GER | STB: Landes-KINDER-Turnfest 2018 | Gymnastics for All |
21.07.2018 | Baiersbronn | GER | MEN's Friendly MEET: GER - GBR - SUI - FRA | AGm, Teams, invitation |
24.07.2018 | Shanghai | CHN | WORLDS of ROPE SKIPPING 2018 | Gymnastics for All |
August | Ort | Nation | Event | Partic/Info |
02.08.2018 | Glasgow | GBR | 39. WOMEN#s EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2018 | AGw, Teams, Ind. App. |
03.08.2018 | Maebashi | JPN | (3) WORLD CUP Trampoline Gymnastics 2018 | TRA, elite |
09.08.2018 | Glasgow | GBR | 40. MEN's EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2018 | AGm, Teams, Ind. App. |
17.08.2018 | Minsk | BLR | FIG-World Challenge Cup (3) - 2018 - Minsk | RG, elite |
17.08.2018 | Freyburg /Unstr. | GER | 96. JAHNTURNFEST Freyburg / Unstrut 2018 | Gymnastics for All (Gerätturnen) |
24.08.2018 | Kazan | RUS | FIG-World Challenge Cup (4) - 2018 - Kazan | RG, elite |
September | Ort | Nation | Event | Partic/Info |
10.09.2018 | Sofia | BUL | 36th WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2018 | RG, elite, ind+groups |
16.09.2018 | Pesaro | ITA | 6th Golden Age GGym Festival 2018 | Gymnastics for All |
21.09.2018 | Szombathely | HUN | (8) FIG World Challenge Cup Szombathely / HUN | AGw, AGm, elite, individual, App |
23.09.2018 | Odivelas | POR | 4th European Week of Sport - all over Europe 2018 | Gymnastics for All |
29.09.2018 | Paris | FRA | (9) FIG World Challenge Cup Paris / FRA | AGw, AGm, elite, individual, App |
29.09.2018 | Leipzig | GER | 78. Deutsche Turnmeisterschaften FRAUEN 2018 (German Nationals AGW) | AGw, nationals, elite |
29.09.2018 | Leipzig | GER | 85. Deutsche Turnmeisterschaften MÄNNER 2018 (German Nationals AGM) | AGm, national, elite |
29.09.2018 | Hamburg | GER | 59. GERMAN TRAMPOLINE CHAMPIONSHIPS 2018 (individual) | TRA, national |
Oktober | Ort | Nation | Event | Partic/Info |
13.09.2018 | Waltershausen | GER | 59. ATT-GutsMuths-Gedächtnisturnen 2018 | AGm, AGw, Alterklassen, Breitensport |
05.10.2018 | Loule | POR | (4) WORLD CUP Trampoline Gymnastics 2018 | TRA, TUM, elite |
06.10.2018 | Buenos Aires | ARG | Youth Olympic Games 2018 | RG, youth & jun |
06.10.2018 | Buenos Aires | ARG | 3rd YOUTH OLYMPIC GAMES 2018 - Trampoline Gymnastics | TRA, youth & juniors |
06.10.2018 | Leverkusen | GER | 43. Intern. LEVERKUSEN-CUP 2018 | AGw, Teams, |
13.10.2018 | Arnsberg | GER | 57. Deutsche Rhönradmeisterschaften 2018 | RH, national |
17.10.2018 | Odivelas | POR | 12. European Championships TEAMGYM 2018 | TeamGym, elite&juniors |
20.10.2018 | Ingelheim | GER | Deutsche Aerobic Meisterschaften & Jugendmeisterschaften 2018 | AE, national (elite & youth) |
20.10.2018 | Worms | GER | GERMAN CHAMPIONSHIPS Trampoline SYNCHRO (only!) & Teams | TRA, national (synchro & teams) |
25.10.2018 | Doha | QAT | 48th MEN's WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS | AGm, elite, TEAMS & individual |
27.10.2018 | Plovdiv | BUL | FIG WORLD CUP Plovdiv 2018 | AE, elite |
27.10.2018 | Doha | QAT | 39th WOMEN's WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS | AGw, elite, TEAMS & individual |
November | Ort | Nation | Event | Partic/Info |
03.11.2018 | Cottbus | GER | Turnmemorial Cottbus | Gymnastics for All, AG (Gerätturnen) |
07.11.2018 | St. Petersburg | RUS | 33rd WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS Trampoline Gymnastics 2018 | TRA, DMT, TUM, elite |
10.11.2018 | Ansbach | GER | Deutsche Mannschafts-Vereinsmeisterschaften & Deutschland Cup 2018 | WG, national, Clubs |
15.11.2018 | St. Petersburg | RUS | 26th WAGC - World Age Group Competitions 2018 | TRA, DMT, TUM, youth & juniors |
17.11.2018 | BERLIN | GER | DTL- Bundesliga Frauen, 4. Wettkampftag & komplette Saison 2018 | AGw, clubs, national |
22.11.2018 | Cottbus | GER | (10) FIG World Challenge Cup "43rd Tournament of Masters", Cottbus / GER | AGw, AGm, elite, individual, App |
23.11.2018 | Gran Canaria | ESP | 58th BLUME Gran Canaria Festival 2018 | Gymnastics for All, AG, RG, TR & more ... |
24.11.2018 | Fallersleben | GER | 5. CYR WHEEL CONTEST 2018 | CYR Wheel |
Dezember | Ort | Nation | Event | Partic/Info |
01.12.2018 | Ludwigsburg | GER | DTL-FINALE, 1. Bundesliga, Frauen 2018 | AGw, national clubs, 4 qualifiers |
08.12.2018 | Toyota City | JPN | 2018 TOYOTA International | AGm, AGw, invitation |
15.12.2018 | Vinnhorst | GER | 5. International ZAG Junior-Cup 2018 | AGm, Juniors, intern. |
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