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German version


 "The big dictionary of GDR athletes" 
"Das grosse Lexikon der DDR-Sportler"

!!  NEW  !!
(Third edition in 2 month)

1,000 biographies of the most successfull athletes of German Democratic Republic
ISBN 3-89602-348-9

Edition of the Berlins publishing firm Schwarzkopf&Schwarzkopf. 

The worldwide wellknown Olympic chronicler Volker Kluge is the author and he presents 1,000 biographies of the most succesfull and popular athletes from all Olympic disciplines of the former GDR "sports wounderland" (448 pages, in German only) - among of them also 55 East German gymnastst, too:
All their successes, personaly dates and what they are doing now..... 

448 pages, blocked,  a lot of b/w pictures
16,5 cm x 23 cm;
text in German, only
DM 39,80
ISBN 3-89602-348-9

DM 39,80
                                                   E-mail to order:       click here   

"100 Olympische Highlights"     100 Snapshots Athen 1896 - Atlanta 1996

Heroes, stories, facts, exclusive photos and superlatives of the olympic history in 100 amusing short stories, with the gym stars: 
Nadia Comaneci, Leon Stukelj, Carl Schuhmann, Larissa Latynina, Vera Caslavska.

DM 39,90   Volker Kluge, Sportverlag Berlin, 1996, 144 pages, hardcover, 
(text in German, only) 

E-mail to order:       click here   

1896 Athen
The pictures of the first Olympic Games

The first book worldwide showing the black-and-white photos from the I. Olympic Games. An olympic diary, an interesting discourse about the beginning of sports photography and a statistics complete this wonderful volume. All texts in German, English, French and Spanish. 

DM 48,-   Volker Kluge, Brandenburgisches Verlagshaus, 1996, 208 pages, 100 b/w-photos, line drawings and illustrations; 24 x 27 cm, linen cover.

E-mail to order:       click here

Das Turnjahrhundert der Deutschen
.. not only the history of German Gymnasts, but also a world statistic !

Andreas Götze / Eckhard Herholz, Edition Ost, 336 pages, paperback.

Statistics of all Olympic Games, World Championships, European Championships and World Cups from 1896 to 1992. With a lot of special statistics. 

DM 15,- /  8,- €          

  Special Offer 2001: ( for clubs, federations, judges, athletes, specialists, freaks...)
                           - price for 5 samples:                      55,- DM /  28,- €
                          - price for 10 samples:                    100,- DM /  51,- € 

E-mail to order:       click here

Fröhliches Wörterbuch
Cartoon book about swimming

An amusing gift for all swimming gymnasts or gym practising swimmers. 



DM 19,80  

Andreas Götze/Peter Ruge, Tomus Verlag, 1991, 96 pages, 46 cartoons, hardcover, text in German.

E-mail to order:       click here

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update:  09-07-2001
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