In the 19th century (around 1830), there were reports of uneven bars in France, but it was only in the second half of the 20th century when this apparatus with the asymmetrically adjusted bars gained its importance. It was at the first “real” World Championships in Budapest in 1934, which were the very first ones for women as well, when it came into favor as a competition apparatus and two years later, when it had its Olympic debut in Berlin.
Today the uneven bars are the most many-sided, most dynamic and most demanding apparatus of women’s gymnastics. It is long since the structure of the many-sided movements on and between the upper and the lower bar corresponds to a “double horizontal bar”…
Results / Reports 2001


History of Uneven Bars


Parallel bars, (History) Special story
World Champions All


  Parallel bars, (Champs all)
U.b. Favourites 2001


Parallel bars,  (Favourites)
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