26. Cottbuser "Turnier der Meister" 2002
"Tournament of Masters", Cottbus / Germany
 March,   the  22nd   -  24th
- Best of Cottbus 1973 - 2002
Men / Männer
(3 victories and more / 3 Siege und mehr)

  Name Nat Year Part AA FX PH RI VA BA HB Tot.
1 Brückner, Roland GDR 78-84 6x 78,80,
82, 84,
78,80, - 81,82 81, 78,,81 15
2 Kroll, Sylvio GDR/GER 85-92 5x 87,89,91 85,89, 91,92 - 87,89, 87,89, 87, 12
3 Nikolay, Michael GDR 78-83 5x 79,81,82 81 79,81,
- - - 79,81,83 11
4 Belenki, Waleri URS/GER 92-99 8x - 92 94, 92,98, 94 92,93,
- 8
5 Behrendt, Holger GDR 83-89 6x 83,88 88   85,87,88,
- - - 7
6 Ivankov, Ivan* URS/BLR 91-02 10x 91,94,95,
99,00,01, 02
91 98 91,99 - 97 95,99 7
7 Wecker, Andreas GDR/GER 90-99 7x - - 93 90,93,95 - 00 96, 6
8 Thüne, Wolfgang GDR 73 1x 73 - 73 73 73 73 5
  Mack, Lutz GDR 73-80 4x - 73,     73,78,
80 - 5
Hoffmann, Ulf GDR 82-85 5x 85 85 85 85,86 5
  Scherbo, Witali BLR 93-96 4x 93 93     93,96 - 94 5
12 Li, Tschol Chon PRK 82,85,86 3x 86 86 85 - - - 82 4
  Misiutin, Grigori UKR 93-96 3x - 95,96 95   95 - - 4
14 Urzica, Marius ROM 00-02 3x - 00, 01, 02 - - - - - 3
  Büchner, Ralf GDR/GER 90-91 2x - 91 - - 90,91 - - 3
  Bondarenko, Alexej RUS 97-99 3 - 98 - - 97,99     3
Demjanow, Alex. CRO 96-97 2x - 96,97 97 3

  )* : Ivan Ivankov took part to the 10th time in Cottbus 2002 and is the record holder now of all participants!!
He is the only one gymnast, who took part in 1991 -eleven years ago - and he is the most successful foreign athlet in the history of Cottbus tournament: 7 victories on 5 apparatusses, more over he was standing 18 times under the top three - together 25 top results in the Cottbus tournament history. Congratulation!

 Best of Women
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