2010, YOG, gymtube GYM Partners



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Die Organisatoren der Youth Olympic Games in Singapur bieten einen Top-Medienservice für alle Teilnehmerländer: > Seit Freitag, 13. August, sind TV-Live-Übertragungen im Internet zu sehen:            LIVE WEBCASTS & NEWS      YOG Youtube channel

          ( - no LIVE STREAMING from the RG qualification day!)
> YOG - LIVE WEBCAM: *Rhythmic Gymnastics
                               > ... next:
* Wednesday/Mittwoch , Aug. 25
                                           - from 6.30 a.m. (CEST) on ( 1.30 p.m. local time)
                                           - ab   7.30 Uhr MESZ (13.30 Uhr Ortszeit)

>... zur Webcasting Plattform des Veranstalters* < Channel 2
* Klicken Sie dort zu den angegebenen Eventzeiten auf  Kanal 2 (CH 2);

... und: Erstmals gibt es auch GYMmedia-Eigenberichte:

GYMmedia INTERNATIONAL - Video Impressions
* produced by www.hearts-and-minds.tv

(1) Statement: Daniel Weinert, Germany
7-times German Youth Champion 2010, Artistic Gymnastics

(2) Statement: Gunter Schönherr, Germany
  National Coach, Artistic Gymnastics
(3) Statement: Domenico Rossi, Switzerland
National Coach, Artistic Gymnastics

** ... more YOG Impressions you will find at the
>> Youtube Video Channel of YOG &

>> Youtube Video-Kanal des IOC
* SINGAPORE 2010 - Youth Olympic Games ...

* Visit Singapore, a dynamic city, rich in contrast and color ...




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Partner des Turnens in der EM-Stadt 2011, Berlin

TV MEDIA PRODUCTION, specially for all Gymnastics Events

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* Interessante Turn- und Sportliteratur: Neuerscheinungen und antiquarisch!
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