2010, YOG, Gymnastics, PARTICIPANTS GYM Partners


* ARTISTIC  > Male participants > Female participants
  .. altogether 42 boys and also 42 girls representing each 42 nations;
- 14 spots for Europe, 7 for Asia (including 1 spot for the host country), 2 for Africa, 5 for America and 1 for Oceania

 > Male & Female participants

  A total of 12 gymnasts each qualified for Singapore, whereas Europe takes three spots, Asia two (including one for the host country), America also two, and Africa and Oceania one spot each.
Three spots are reserved as NOC universality places.
* RHYTHMIC   > Individuals & Groups
  A total of 18 Individual gymnasts and six Groups qualified for Singapore.
The top eight ranked Individual gymnasts and the top four ranked Groups from the Qualification proceed to the respective All-around Finals.
The continental quotas have been allocated as follows:
In Individuals, Europe gets 6 spots, Asia 3 (including 1 spot for the host country), Africa 2, America 2 and Oceania 1.
Four spots are reserved as NOC universality places in order to guarantee the representation of each continent.

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