

- Edmonton (Canada), August 17


In women’s synchro, world champions Olena Movchan and Oksana Tsyguleva were first at 48.50 points for their fourth win in five World Cup events. Cockburn and McManus (CAN), who formed a new partnership this season, were a very close second at 48.40 for their second consecutive runner-up finish on the circuit. Anna Dogonadze and Tina Ludwig of Germany were third at 46.60. "We had the highest difficulty of the competition and we did quite well," said McManus, who trains about once a month with her partner. "Our form scores were very high but we probably lost the gold on synchronization. The Ukranians were right on through their whole routine and were a bit better than us. But it was exciting to get this close to them."

In men’s synchro, David Martin and Guillaume Bourgeon of France were the winners with 50.00 points. Markus Kubicka and Henrik Stehlik of Germany were second at 48.70 while Greene and Turgeon took the bronze at 48.60. Greene and Turgeon (CAN) were only informed Saturday morning they would form a partnership. Turgeon’s regular partner Chris Mitruk of Burlington withdrew due to a back injury. "We’ve done a couple of meets together in past years but we never expected we could win a medal tonight," said Greene, a 30-year-old lawyer with the Quebec provincial government. "Our warm-ups weren’t very encouraging but we nailed the routine when it was time. We’re both veterans and both have similar builds and I think that really helped us."

In women’s individual trampoline, Claire Wright of Britain was the unexpected victor with 40.10. Dogonadze from Germany, the world champion, was second at 39.60 and Movchan third at 39.40. Cockburn, the Olympic bronze medallist in 2000, was fourth at 39.30 and McManus sixth at 38.10. "I missed a gold in synchro and a bronze in individual both by 0.10 points so I’m a bit heartbroken," said Cockburn, third and fourth in her other two World Cup appearances. "But I’m pleased with my performance individually. It was a very close competition and it could have gone either way." Olympic champion Irina Karavaeva of Russia, the winner of the first four World Cup events this season, struggled in the preliminaries and finished 23rd.

In men's individual trampoline, Peter Jensen from Denmark was the winner. He scored 40,70 points. German Knytchew from Russia with the highest difficulty (15,90) was second with 40,50 and the German Michael Serth cam on third place (40,40).

The next stop on the World Cup is next weekend in Greensboro, North Carolina/USA
(Source: Canadian website).

(... detailed Results coming soon)





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