At first a disappointing start for Germany...

On floor the German juniors had expected more as Fabian Hambüchen had presented the 2nd best routine during the qualification. However, he messed up his first acrobatic line:

After his 2 ½ twisting salto fwd. – punch front he sat down on the mat. Another mistake followed when he stepped out of bounds on his second line – and that was that with the, quite realistic, dream of  a medal – rank 7. The gold medal went to Romania’s Adrian Ionescu.

Pech für "Piepe"


On pommel horse Alexei Ignatovich from Belarus competed in a class by himself: The young man from Minsk celebrated pommel horse gymnastics with a brilliant technique and simply unbeatable. Hungary’s Krisztian Berki came closest to him and won the silver medal. Behind those two no other routine without mistakes could be seen.
<< Berlin’s René Piephardt had also high expectations when he went into this final. He had a great start, very offensive, and even had put an extra B-element in his routine – but then he leaned to much to the front with his shoulder on a Russian wendeswing – and gone was the, also quite realistic, chance to win a medal...! He of course rankled a lot with it.

  On rings Great Britain’s Mark Freeman won the gold medal with a very good routine. In it he already presented a high amount of specific strength elements which many other boys of his age not yet can perform but certainly will in future. Fabian Hambüchen presented his routine solidly and absolutely within the expected level (SV 9.8; rank 8) – the strength, that will certainly improve later on...

On vault the only gymnast who managed to show two high quality vaults was Georgios Tsiopoulos from Greece. He presented his double-twisting Yurchenko and his double-twisting layout Tsukahara (2x SV 9.7) quite well. This secured him a deserved gold medal in front of Martin Konecny form the Czech Republic and Jeffrey Wammes from the Netherlands. Through this the latter now managed to win a medal also in the men’s field after one week ago the Dutch women had shown a great competition.

  ...finally today’s first medal for Germany

Until parallel bars they had to wait but then the success arrived. Fabian Hambüchen and the title holder from Bremen Waldemar Eichorn presented the most difficult routines of this final. Fabian even had upgraded his routine (from SV 9.4 to 9.6) by including a double salto to upper arm hang from a giant (E-element; 2 tenth bonus points). After having nailed the landing of his double piked bw. dismount he had his long-expected medal at his first ECh for sure.
The last starter in this final was the title holder. Waldemar Eichorn highly concentrated presented his routine with the start value of 9.7. Probably it was the small step on the landing of his dismount which cost him the victory.
Nonetheless, Germany had won gold and silver in this final. Eichorn shares his silver medal with Raphael Wignanitz from France who presented a good routine with a sticked dismount. 

Fabian Hambüchen >>
with his special element "Wells" at the last ECh test in Berlin

On high bar Germany’s head coach Andreas Hirsch originally had planned to set up Robert Weber from Ehmen. But already before the European championships he had problems with his flight element. So in the team competition Waldemar Eichorn started on high bar – and managed to qualify for the EF. As ambitious as he is, he transformed his straddled Tkatchev into a counter hecht (D-element) which brought him a bonus of one tenth and then he transformed his straddled Stalder into a piked one – another 2 tenth bonus points. All this secured him the silver medal! Congratulations!

However, the most difficult routine of this final was presented by Martin Konecny from Prague. He showed 4 flight elements: At first a layout Kovacs and then the triple combination of piked Tkatchev – straddled Tkatchev – Gienger. After he sticked the landing of his double-double dismount he had secured the first gold medal at this Junior-ECh for the Czech Republic.

The German team can be quite happy with their outcome at this championships: 1 – 2 – 3, gold-silver-bronze. This has been the best performance of a German team since the invention of the team competition in 1994 and gives some hope to the future of German gymnastics.

Eckhard Herholz
Infos: Jens Milbradt

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