12-APRIL-2001: The first batch of the new vaulting table "PEGASES" is being delivered right now. They are being sent out from the Dutch town of Helmond. Apparatus manufacturers "JANSSEN & FRITSEN", official suppliers of the 2001 world championships in Ghent, have now commenced packaging and world-wide distribution of the new vaulting table. Following certification by the FIG, gymnastics world governing body decided that the old vaulting horse would be substituted by the vaulting table in competition for both men and women. Thus, the "PEGASES" will be the first ever vaulting table used in competition.



      "PEGASES" goes forth...
Dutch apparatus manufacturer "JANSSEN & FRITSEN" started delivery of the new, FIG certified, vaulting table. Now the apparatus known as "PEGASES" takes flight itself - due to the short time left to test it, some countries ordered it by airmail. This FIG certified apparatus will be used by both men and women. To make sure the respective federations get their vaulting table as soon as possible, JANSSEN & FRITSEN is giving away one vaulting table and step by step to each of the 72 federations which competed in the last world champions, charging them only for tax and transportation.

Pegases: Assembling of the corpus

Ready for delivery

 This way, all national training centres can start working out. In addition, the 30 top nations of the last world championships will receive vaulting tables ordered by the FIG.
Federations, that order a whole number of vaulting tables for their clubs or members will receive sizeable discounts from J&F.

The "PEGASES" is on its way, for example to the Czech Republic, Australia, Romania, England, Peru, Thailand, Argentina, Jordan, Austria and the Faroe Islands.

Pegases: Ready for dispatch

Pegases transport:
Handled with care, like a racing horse 

Reactions from the various training centres that have been testing the vaulting table have been largely positive. It shouldn't take the established stars more than three months to adjust. Junior male gymnasts generally adore the new table and can hardly imagine going back to the old horse.

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