Men: |
1.Produnova 2. Polozkova 3. Martinez
4. White
5. Schwikert
6. Amy Chow
7. Gomes
8. Mason |
(37.55) (37.125)
(35.85) (35.35)
1. Bondarenko
2. Lopez Rios
4. McClure
5. Giraldo
6. Supola
7. McCain
8. Carballo |
(37.5) |

Bondarenko |
The Ukrainian delegation to the American Cup in Las Vegas had difficulties
getting Visas and therefore scratched from the competition. Two days ago officials at USAG
invited Schwikert and McClure to be last minute fill-ins.
GYMNAST" -ONLINE" for rotation by rotation coverage of
American Cup qualifier live from Las Vegas. :
Amy Chow first competitor in vault, her first vault was a Yurchenko with
a double twist with a shaky landing (9.15) and the second vault was a handspring pike
front with a half twist.
Hometown girl Tasha Schwikert performed a
Phelps for her first vault, her second vault was a Yurchenko half-on tuck front-off (9.125
average) |
For the men, Alexei Bondarenko nailed a double
double mount on floor but he looked very winded at the end of his routine and finished
only with a pike double (9.35).
Steve McCain went out of bounds on his laid out Thomas but
performed an otherwise clean set (9.15). Jay Thornton went out of bounds twice (9.025).
Brett McClure, who admitted before the meet that he wasn't in
great routine shape, hit aclean set (9.3). |
Alena Polozkova performed a handspring pike front vault and a Cuervo
vault (9.1).
Elena Produnova performed a very high and clean Yurchenko 1 1/2
but on her second vault, a Tsukahara 1 1/2, she took a large jump to the side on her
landing, almost landing on a TV camera man (9.35 average). On vault,
Morgan White botched her first layout Yurchenko full (tucked
legs), her second vault was a cleaned layed out Yurchenko full (8.612 average)
Laura Martinez nailed a double twisting Yurchenko (9.2). |
The announcer just made a correction to Steve McCain's score on
the floor, it is now a 9.25 (a recalculated start value). All three American men hit their
pommel horse routines:
McCain (9.112), McClure (9.412), Thornton
Jesus Carballo, who scratched from the floor because of a
pre-existing ankle injury, performed well on the pommel horse (9.125) |
Marlia Gomez from Brazil performed well on uneven bars dismounting with a
double front with a 1/2 twist from inverts (9.3).
Tasha Schwikert, on bars, with great enthusiasm from the home
crowd, performed a clean Shaposhnikova mount and finished with a solid double layout.
Alena Polozkova did a gorgeous hop full pirouette to immediate
Arabian double front dismount (9.575). |
Alexei Bondarenko nailed the rings routine (9.412) as the first
competitor in that apparatus.
McCain was solid on one of his best events (9.3). Jay
Thornton struggled on rings and picked up swing after a Guczoghy shoot to
handstand (8.85). McClure showed a new sequence for him on the rings,
3 Guczoghys tuck-layout-tuck (9.262).
Jesus Carballo performed two beautiful layout Guczoghys in a row
and nailed a layout full twisting double dismount (9.425).
Eric Lopez Rios showed off his strength moves and impressed the
judges by lowering through a back lever and popping back up to a cross (9.575). |
Elena Produnova opened this rotation on uneven bars with a high
piked Tkatchev and her new and improved full twisting double back dismount (9.5). Morgan
White showed a snappy uneven bars routine with her trademark invert Endo but
almost over-cooked a cast handstand near the end of the routine (9.5).
Laura Martinez performed a beautiful cast full pirouette to
handstand but face-planted her double front half dismount (8.925).
1996 Olympic silver medalist, Amy Chow, Stalder-happy routine
pleased the crowd although she nearly missed the regrasp on a free-hip hecht to the
high-bar (9.575).
Entering the fourth rotation, the men's top five all-around: 1.Bondarenko
(28.287), 2. McClure (27.974), 3. McCain (27.662),
4. Lopez (27.174),
5. Thornton (27.025).
Steve McCain, on vault, landed short of rotation on a double
twisting Tsukahara (9.1). Jay Thornton vaulted a clean Yurchenko full
(9.137). Brett McClure was a little low on his layout handspring front
1/2 vault (9.2).
Jorge Giraldo nailed a 1 1/2 twisting Yurchenko (9.35).
Eric Lopez Rios drilled a 2 1/2 twisting Tsukahara (9.637).
Alexei Bondarenko performed a handspring double-front, nice form,
but landed in a sitting position (9.175) |
top five:
1.Produnova (18.8), 2.Chow (18.75), 3. Polozkova (18.675),
4. Schwikert (18.35), 5. Martinez (18.125)
Tasha Schwikert was solid and clean throughout her beam routine until her
double back dismount where she landed short, touching her hand down (8.8).
Alena Polozkova had beautiful execution, she performed a Rulfova,
she dismounted with a very well landed pike double back (9.475).
Elena Produnova did an excellent routine, high front mount, huge
punch-front on beam, an Onodi to an immediate split-leap and a double front dismount with
only one step (9.375).
Morgan White mounted punch front immediate wolf jump, also showed
flip-flop to Onodi, a low punch-front followed by a wobble, dismounted with a 2 1/2 twist
with a jump on the landing (9.4). Laura Martinez did a very clean routine
showing, her series, flip-flop layout flip-flop, for dismount a gainer flip-flop,
flip-flop 2 1/2 twist (9.5).
Amy Chow showed excellent confidence and worked a higher releve
than we've seen in the past, unfortunately she fell from the beam while attempting to do a
standing full, she dismounted with a round-off flip-flop triple twist (8.375). |
Entering this rotation, the men's top five in the all around: 1. Bondarenko
(37.462), 2. McClure (37.174), 3. Lopez (36.811), 4. McCain (36.762),
5. Thornton (36.162)
Steve McCain opened on the parallel bars with a shaky routine
nearly falling on a Diamidov 1 1/4 (8.325).
Brett McClure's parallel bar routine contained several giant
swings, including one giant to double-back but he over-rotated his double pike dismount
Jesus Carballo did his usual outstanding routine, landing a very
nice pike double back (9.475).
Eric Lopez showed several different skills through the giant
swing, including two giant double backs, dismounted with a pike double back and good
landing (9.4).
Alexei Bondarenko showed his usual routine, many variations of
pirouettes, he took a step on his Stutz handstand, dismounted with a pike double back
(9.437). |
Alena Polozkova finished off one of her better all-around meets with a
great floor nailing her double-pike dismount (9.4).
Elena Produnova floor was one of the highlights of the meet, her famous
second pass, a layout-front punch double front, was right on (9.6).
Tasha Schwikert mounted with a layout-pike double on the floor,
she did a 2 1/2 twist punch pike front, and dismounted with a triple twist (9.2).
Morgan White's Flamenco floor routine was off to a good start
until she fell on her second pass, a whip-half, layout front with double twist (9.025).
Laura Martinez was a crowd favorite with her up-tempo floor
routine (9.5).
Amy Chow did a beautiful whip to pike full-in mount but fell on
her second pass, 2 1/2 twist punch front, she finished with a triple twist (8.725). |
Jay Thornton hit high bar (9.362).
Brett McClure had a great high bar set going until his dismount,
layout full-out, where he over-rotated and sat down (8.775).
Jesus Carballo wowed the crowd with his original release moves
caught at the end of his fingertips (9.475).
Eric Lopez Rios did an invert Endo full-pirouette to a one arm
giant, he dismounted with a tuck double double (9.162).
Alexei Bondarenko caught his tuck Kovacs a little close and sat
down on his double double dismount (8.575).
McCain crashed onto the bar on a full twisting one arm giant
(8.325). |
Though three-time champ Blaine Wilson (USA) has been given a bye into the
American Cup final by USA Gymnastics he is far from a sure bet in finals. As of this
weekend Wilson had yet to make his final decision about Cup participation. Wilson's
uncertainy is due to the fact that he had shoulder surgery shortly after the '99 Worlds
and is not yet back in top shape.
If Wilson declines the invite his spot will be filled via the original criteria (the
highest scoring U.S. man from each qualifier), but if Wilson does decided to attend only
one American man can join him. That would mean that Jay Thornton's 54.894 would have to
outdo both John Roethlisberger and John Macready's second Cup qualifier tally for Thornton
to compete in his first Cup final. |
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