World GYM Calendar Rhythmic Gymnastics / Rhythmische Gymnastik

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January - February - March - April - May - June - July - August - September - October - November - December

Februar Ort Nation Event Partic/Info
08.02.2014 Tartu EST Intern. Tournament 'MIss Valentine 2014' RG
09.02.2014 Schmiden GER 1. German national JECh Trials (Qualification) German juniors
21.02.2014 Kuala Lumpur MAS 13th Asian Junior Championships RG, juniors
22.02.2014 Budapest HUN VIII. K.F.K. Gracia Cup 2014 RG, elite, jun. ind & groups
28.02.2014 Almatij KAZ Intern. Tournament 'Almati' 2014 RG
28.02.2014 Moscow RUS (1) Grand Prix 2014 & Qualification YOG 2014 Jun, ind + groups
März Ort Nation Event Partic/Info
01.03.2014 Katowice POL III. Intern. Caramba Cup 2014 RG
08.03.2014 Thiais FRA 28th Thiais International (2nd Grand Prix 2014) RG
14.03.2014 Debrecen HUN (1) WORLD CUP 2014 (B) Elite, ind + groups
22.03.2014 Stuttgart (GER) (2) WORLD CUP 2014 (A) Elite, ind + groups
25.03.2014 Tshwane RSA 12th AFRICAN CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 Elite, jun,
28.03.2014 Holon ISR 12th GRAND PRIX of Holon 2014 RG, elite ind & groups; jun ind.
29.03.2014 Kiel GER 2nd Intern. Mermaid Cup 2014 RG, jun & youth, ind + groups
April Ort Nation Event Partic/Info
04.04.2014 Lisbon POR (3) WORLD CUP 2014 (B) Elite, ind + groups
11.04.2014 Pesaro ITA (4) WORLD CUP 2014 (B) RG, elite ind & groups
11.04.2014 Richmond CAN Pacific Rim Championships 2014 Elite, juniors, ind + groups + TBC
Mai Ort Nation Event Partic/Info
07.05.2014 Daytona Beach USA Pan American Junior Championships 2014 Juniors
09.05.2014 Corbeill-Essonnes FRA (5) WORLD CUP 2014 (B) Elite, individual
09.05.2014 Halle / Sa. GER 2. German national JECh Trials (2nd Qualification) German juniors
10.05.2014 Halle / Sa. GER Deutsche Meisterschaften 2014 German nationals, elite + jun
22.05.2014 Tashkent UZB (6) WORLD CUP 2014 Elite, ind + groups
30.05.2014 Minsk BLR (7) WORLD CUP 2014 (B) Elite, ind + groups
Juni Ort Nation Event Partic/Info
13.06.2014 Baku AZE 30th EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS RG 2014 Elite, groups; Jun, indiv
28.06.2014 Berlin GER Deutsche Gruppen-Meisterschaft 2014 German groups elite + jun
Juli Ort Nation Event Partic/Info
04.07.2014 Sersheim GER Deutschlandcup 2014 Gymn. Einzel + Gruppe
23.07.2014 Glasgow GBR 20th Commonwealth Games 2014 Elite, ind + groups
24.07.2014 Glasgow SCOT XX Commonwealth Games 2014, Rhythmic Gymnastics RG, elite
August Ort Nation Event Partic/Info
09.08.2014 Sofia BUL (8) WORLD CUP 2014 (B) Elite, ind + groups
16.08.2014 Nanjing CHN 2nd Youth Olympic Games 2014 Elite, Jun, ind + groups
20.08.2014 Mississauga CAN Pan American Championships 2014 Elite
September Ort Nation Event Partic/Info
05.09.2014 Kazan RUS (9) WORLD CUP 2014 (B) Elite, ind + groups
19.09.2014 Incheon KOR 17th ASIAN GAMES 2014 Elite, ind + groups
19.09.2014 Haslach GER Deutschlandcup 2014, DTB Dance DTB Dance
22.09.2014 Izmir TUR 33rd WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 2014 Elite, ind + groups
27.09.2014 Bochum-Brenschede GER 7. Turn-Talentschulpokal 2014 Talents
Oktober Ort Nation Event Partic/Info
03.10.2014 Witten GER Deutsche Meisterschaften 2014, Gymn.+Tanz Gymn.+Tanz
16.10.2014 Berlin GER Grand Prix 'Berlin Masters' 2014 Elite, individuals
17.10.2014 Tokyo JPN AEON CUP 2014 RG, teams (clubs), elite & junios
November Ort Nation Event Partic/Info
14.11.2014 Innsbruck AUT Grand Prix Innsbruck RG, elite
European Gymnastics Service
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