NEW Reglement
at the World Championships in Ghent

At its first meeting 2001, April the 12th and 13th the FIG Council  has taken the following decisions with regards to the competitions’ programme in artistic gymnastics.



Modifications of the provisions of the Technical Regulations concerning the programs of the World Championships in Artistic Gymnastics .
 Competition I (qualifications)

There will be no changes, format 6 / 5 / 4 (team composed of maximum 6 gymnasts, 5 performing an exercise at each apparatus, the 4 best scores count).

 Competition II (individual all-around)

The 32 (before 36) best gymnasts of the competition I participate in the Competition II (maximum 3 per federation).
They are split up into 2 groups of 16 gymnasts. The 16 gymnasts ranked from 17 to 32 begin the competition, then follow the gymnasts ranked 1 to 16. Within the two groups, the gymnasts are ranked according to the enclosed plan.

 Competition III (apparatus finals

The 8 best gymnasts per apparatus of the Competition I participate in the apparatus finals.
The starting order is drawn by lots.
There will be no alternations one man – one woman, but the 8 gymnasts per apparatus perform the exercise one after the other.

 Competition IV (team finals)

The 8 (before 6) best teams of the Competition I take part in the finals. 
The format is 6 / 3 / 3,  which means that the team is composed of maximum 6 gymnasts, three of which perform an exercise at each apparatus and the three scores count.
There are always two teams competing at the same time, which means the team ranked 1st and the one ranked 8th compete first; after that, the team ranked 2nd and the one ranked 7th, etc. (see the enclosed plan).
Then one proceeds to the 2nd rotation, etc.

 Warming Up

If the conditions allow for it (nearness of the warming up halls), there will be no more warming up in the competition hall
immediately before the competition. This regulation concerns the Competition III and IV.

FIG , Moutier 3/5/2001